The Difference Orthodontics Can Make
Improve your daily life with teeth straightening at our Chelmsford dental clinic
One of our very popular treatments, but one that perhaps raises the most questions, is having dental braces fitted.
Some of this is probably due to memories of people being bullied at school for having very visible metal braces attached to their teeth.
Another may be the fact that, unlike many other treatments, it is not just a case of putting up with discomfort for a short time for improvements to be made, but wearing orthodontics can mean committing to them for a period of time, a year or more in some cases.
This won’t apply to all instances of teeth straightening as some can be done purely for cosmetic purposes in order to make small adjustments that help to improve your smile. Even these may require orthodontics to be worn for several weeks though. Dental braces have also sometimes had a bad reputation, not only for being very visible, but also for being a little uncomfortable. As you can imagine, a mouth full of metal wiring and brackets can take some getting used to!
Having said all of the above, it is definitely worth having your teeth straightened. The benefits of doing so can be very significant, and, in the case of cosmetic teeth straightening, can put the finishing touches to a fantastic smile.
Functional benefits of orthodontics
While the main reason that patients opt for orthodontic treatment is to improve their appearance; having your teeth straightened offers other benefits too. While a mouth full of crooked teeth is not an attractive thing to look at, and can sometimes affect your confidence, they can also present challenges to maintaining a healthy set of teeth and gums. The reason for this is that teeth that are crooked will not meet as they should when you eat. This means that parts of your teeth which aren’t designed to chew and grind food will have to do so. As these areas are likely to be weaker, they may wear down faster and may even crack or break under the pressure.
Equally problematic is that crooked teeth often provide small spaces where food and bacteria can become trapped. This will often occur, for example, when teeth overlap. Because these spaces are so tiny, it is often impossible to reach them with a toothbrush and even, in some cases, with dental floss. In this situation, acids and bacteria are likely to eat away at the enamel, exposing the softer part of the tooth. When this happens, tooth decay and quite likely toothache are likely to follow.
Cosmetic benefits of orthodontics
The most common reason that patients of Blue Sky Dental clinic opt to have orthodontic treatment is, of course, to improve the appearance of their teeth. Whilst treatments like Invisalign are the most popular for more significant correction, the fact is that not everybody needs to wear orthodontics for such a long period of time if they only have a minor issue that needs resolving. To help these patients, we have a range of cosmetic dental braces available which can be used to correct issues, such as a minor overlapping of the front teeth, without having to wear them for such a long time.
Most appropriate system
Let us take a look at the different types of orthodontic systems that are available, both for longer term correction and for shorter term cosmetic improvements.
Modern ‘Tray’ Orthodontics
Although wires and brackets have been used for a long time to straighten teeth, a more recent advancement in dentistry is rapidly replacing them when orthodontics need to be worn for a long time. Instead of wires and brackets, x-rays and scans are taken of the patient’s teeth and, from these, a series of transparent ‘trays’ are made that sit over the patient’s teeth. These are produced in a series, each of which is worn for a short while before being replaced with the next. Each is designed to progressively move the teeth towards their desired position. The advantages of this system is that they are almost invisible and can be removed when eating and for brushing and flossing your teeth. This makes them comfortable and convenient to use.
Cosmetic orthodontics
The above system is less commonly used for minor corrections, and instead, the more traditional ‘wire and brackets’ system is used. Unlike traditional braces though, the materials used in these are both finer and also use tooth coloured materials to help them blend in more naturally with your teeth. You will need to take extra care to clean your teeth well when you wear these but it is worth remembering that for cosmetic purposes, these may only be needed for just a few weeks depending on the type and degree of adjustment that needs to take place.
As you can see, dental braces have come a long way from the older ‘clunky’ metal braces of some of our youths. There is no need to be deterred from having straighter teeth due to the fear of these. Our Chelmsford dentists will be able to offer advice on which type of orthodontic you will need and how long you may need to wear them for. If you would like to see how we can help you have healthy and even looking teeth, please call Blue Sky Dental to arrange you initial appointment on 01245 211070.
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