Whiter Teeth For Ex Smokers In Chelmsford

Whiter Teeth For Ex Smokers In Chelmsford

If you’ve stopped smoking recently, you might be wondering if your teeth will ever be white again?

First of all, if you have stopped smoking, then well done. Smoking is not only very expensive and very bad for your health, but it has many potential negative effects on your oral health too. From gum disease to mouth cancers, smoking is one of the worst things that you can do.

One of the most visually noticeable effects that smoking creates though is that of discoloured teeth. What once was a white attractive smile before you started, is now very likely a shade of yellow, or even brown if you have been a heavy smoker.  With more money in your pocket and a new determination to undo this visual reminder of your smoking days, what can our Chelmsford dentists do to help restore your teeth to their natural white colour?

Scale and polish

Before we look at the actual treatments that are used to whiten teeth, it is worth mentioning dental hygiene visits. You should really have been seeing our hygienist while you smoked, but if you haven’t, we do recommend that you do so to help address any gum health issues that you might have.

The treatment that they will provide, known as a ‘scale and polish’ also has a positive visual side effect. As it removes plaque and tartar from the teeth, it will also remove some surface staining. Even though it is unlikely to restore your teeth to the whiteness you had hoped for, it is a very good start and one that we thoroughly recommend.

Teeth whitening

The first step for any ex smoker looking to whiten their teeth is to have a teeth whitening procedure. This will involve a discussion with the cosmetic dentist at Blue Sky Dental to determine whether this procedure would achieve the results you had hoped for. We will discuss alternatives if this is not the case shortly, but, in general, this is the place to start.

A teeth whitening procedure is non-invasive and also more affordable than other alternatives and can whiten a patient’s teeth by several shades. Your dentist will discuss the most appropriate system to use, including the popular ‘Enlighten’ system. If it is decided that a teeth whitening procedure suits your needs, you will be given a custom plan to help you achieve the whiteness that you want.

This treatment is carried out in your own home using ‘trays’ that are produced from impressions that we take of your teeth. This is important, not only for comfort, but also helps to minimise any potential ‘leaking’ of the bleaching gel onto the soft tissues of your mouth.

The whitening gel you are given will be made according to your needs. Some patients want the whitest white possible while others prefer a more subtle improvement; it really is up to you. You will be given full instructions on how to use the gel and trays and you will need to wear this for a period of time each day depending on your individual plan. In general, you should start to see improvements in around a week’s time with the full benefits being seen after a fortnight or so.

As always, you will not be left alone during the treatment process and we are always here to offer help and advice if needed.

Dental veneers

Heavier ex smokers will probably acknowledge that their teeth are not just a little discoloured but have become heavily stained indeed. While a teeth whitening procedure is still likely to help here, it probably won’t achieve the results that  you would really like. In order to achieve this, porcelain teeth veneers are likely to be a better option for you.

Unlike the teeth whitening procedure, using veneers doesn’t attempt to whiten the current enamel tooth surface but instead replaces it. In order to do this, dental surgery is usually needed to remove a fine layer of the discoloured enamel from the front of the tooth. Once this has been done, impressions are taken and temporary veneers fitted to protect your teeth while your veneers are produced (usually a week or so). Once they have been returned, the temporary veneers are removed and the new ones fitted using a special dental adhesive. The veneers will then be trimmed and polished to give a natural appearance.

This is a great way of improving the appearance of heavily stained teeth and one that is long lasting too. Providing that you take good care of your veneer fitted teeth, they should last for around ten years before they need to be replaced.  Veneers are also an excellent option if you have any teeth that are chipped or cracked too.

If you have stopped smoking, whether recently or some time ago, why not put some of the money you will save to good use and use it to reverse the effects of years of smoking?  To find out more about the teeth whitening treatments that we have available at our Chelmsford dental practice, please call Blue Sky Dental today on 01245 211070. We look forward to helping you achieve a smile to be proud of once more!

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